Products and Services

Small Business Loans

A small business loan is a method of debt financing for a business with up to 500 employees that involves borrowing money from a lender to be paid back over a period of time with interest. Loans typically can be used for: acquiring a business, growing a business, buying equipment, covering operating costs, and much more.

Innovation Grants

Innovation Grants are available through the Maine Technology Institute (MTI) for Maine businesses that can demonstrate an innovation in one or more of MTI’s seven targeted technology sectors, among other requirements. MTI defines innovation as a new or substantially improved product, service, or business practice that is meaningfully differentiated from existing alternatives. All MTI funding has a one-to-one matching requirement (see below for more information about “Matching Funds“) and must be used to move the innovation forward. Innovation Grants are governed and awarded exclusively by MTI and specific questions on the program should be directed to them. 


An equity investment is capital invested in a business in exchange for part ownership (shares) of that company. Equity investors expect that companies will be high growth and working toward an exit plan, likely a sale of the business. There may also be additional requirements such as the creation of a board and information reporting as well as shared decision-making between investors and company management.

Business Advising

Business advisors provide no cost support to help you start, grow, sell, or run your business successfully. Business advising listed on the Maine Funding Network is at no cost to the business and is confidential. 

Maine Based Business

Each lender in the Maine Funding Network may have their own definitions and thresholds for what constitutes a Maine based business. Some of the variables they may consider include:

Registered Maine Business

The business is registered with the State of Maine’s Bureau of Corporations.

Significant Maine Presence

The business is headquartered in Maine OR key leaders and owners live and work in Maine OR the business has a significant percentage of full-time employees working in Maine.

Looking to establish in Maine

The business is actively establishing a presence in Maine or is relocating to Maine.

Not yet established in Maine

If you want to learn more about doing business in Maine, connect with the experts to help you relocate or establish in Maine.

Matching Funds

Depending on the stage of your business and its goals, certain funding programs within the Maine Funding Network may require a contribution to the transaction or project from the owner of the company, or from other sources. Equity is one of many ways in which contribution requirements could be met. The matching funds could also be cash into the deal/project from the owner or business, another loan, etc. More information regarding contributions can be discussed with your matched product specialist as applicable.

If you have questions about matching funds, please contact

Farmland Acreage

Some loan programs require disclosing the amount of farmland acreage owned by the business. If you have questions about whether this applies to your application, please contact your matched lender.